Appealing to children of all ages, the glittery, pretty, fantastical fairy party is a timeless hit that never gets boring. From fairy tea parties to fancy dress to makeovers to baking, there are literally hundreds of ideas on how to get the fairy party started!
Today I am going to start at the very beginning: the all important party invitation!
Fairy themed party invitations can be really easy to make, and your little one will enjoy getting involved with the card making activities.
Fairy Wand Invitation
2) Either print invitation onto card, or handwrite using pen (try metallic or glitter pens to make it more fun) or paint. You can also use tags and attach to the wand.
3) On the back of the card, attach either a skewer or straw to make the 'wand' using sticky tape.
4) Add streamers or ribbons to the base of the wand
5) Decorate the wand with glitter, stick on sequins, dried flowers, feathers and whatever else you can get your hands on!
What to put in the invitation?
- Date and time
- Age, name of child
- Location
- Activity and theme
- Dress Code
To put some fun into your invite, try making up a little rhyme to go along with the theme! Some examples are below:
- You are invited to an afternoon of fun, this little fairy is turning one!
- Fairies slip on your dancing shoes, For Fairy Roxanna is turning two!
- Come one come all to this fairy tea, Fairy Emma is going to be three!
- To enter fairy land: Knock knock knock on our fairy door, As little Tanya is turning four!
- Fairies, Pirates, Pixies and Elves, All come together and jive! For this is no ordinary party as Dexter is now turning five!
- Fairy dust, spells and magical tricks, What are you waiting for? Leona will be six!
I hope this has inspired you to get to work on your home-made fairy wands!
Check back for my next post on decorations to create a magical fairy setting for your child's birthday party!
Once Upon A Time Parties x
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